QVLS Activities

The Hannover-Braunschweig region has numerous achievements in quantum research to look back on. In the QVLS, we promote the exchange in the ecosystem and jointly launch new projects.

Projects of the region

Implementation of quantum algorithms from finance and chemistry on a quantum demonstrator (ATIQ)

Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing (DLR-SI)

(CRC 1227)

European Quantum Technologies Conference
(EQTC) 2023

Partnership between QVLS and HANNOVER MESSE


Quantum Technology

Competence Center


QUANOMET: Academic Alliance Braunschweig – Hannover

Cluster of Excellence:

The collaborative projects QuBRA & ProvideQ

Qubit Control by Microwave Integrated Circuits

Network for
quantum training

QVLS-iLabs: Funding for Technology Transfer from Quantum Research

The Quantum Computer
made in Lower Saxony

Relativistic and Quantum-based Geodesy

Quantum events of QVLS and partners

Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

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