
QVLS’s Strategy for Accelerating Quantum Technologies and Applications

Tapping into Lower Saxony’s unique strengths, QVLS will help leverage quantum science and computing breakthroughs to create new opportunities in the region. With a high density of prominent research institutions, established corporations, international experts, and emerging talent, Lower Saxony has built a strong reputation in quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum metrology. Through its various activities, QVLS will act as a catalyst to strengthen the ecosystem of research institutions, companies, startups, and policymakers to transform the potential of quantum technologies into real-life solutions that add value to society and the economy.

For QVLS, research on ion trap quantum processors is particularly important because of the technology’s potential for scalable quantum computing applications. Equipped with a strong infrastructure and a €25 million investment that will be spread over the next five years, the initiative’s lighthouse project QVLS-Q1 aims to construct a scalable 50-qubit trapped ion quantum computer by the end of 2025.

Looking towards the future, QVLS aims to further develop the region’s thriving ecosystem to become one of the leading hubs for quantum innovations in Germany and on the global stage. Developed in collaboration with our partners, QVLS’ strategy outlines six focus areas for the next ten years. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. Innovation-driving partnerships. In order to translate quantum research and know-how from the lab to produce real-world solutions efficiently and speedily, collaboration within the QVLS ecosystem is crucial. To promote partnerships in the region, QVLS will identify synergistic partnerships, seek out third-party funding opportunities and strengthen the relationship between research and industry.
  2. Outstanding research. To continue building off of the region’s long history of accomplishments in research, QVLS will coordinate research efforts of QVLS partner institutions more effectively, launch lighthouse projects and strategically fill and create professorships.
  3. A Strong Quantum Technology Industry. To advance and scale cutting-edge quantum technologies into relevant solutions for the market, QVLS will provide hands-on support to SMEs and large businesses working in this space and promote spin-off and startup companies.
  4. A World-Class Infrastructure. From research and development to construction and manufacturing of quantum technologies, Lower Saxony is home to a strong end-to-end infrastructure for implementing ideas rapidly, especially for trapped ion quantum computing. To further improve it, QVLS will roll out new research buildings focused on quantum tech and make the infrastructure more accessible to all of our partners.
  5. Training Talent Sustainably. To build a modern quantum workforce, it’s important for the region to attract and maintain the best interdisciplinary talent and expertise. To do this, QVLS will expand quantum educational activities that cover all areas (for schools and universities as well as doctoral studies), offer customized quantum tech training programs to corporations, and cultivate an appealing work environment for international talent.
  6. Community and Outreach. Tocommunicate the unique and vibrant spirit of our ecosystem, QVLS will promote exchange and networking among our local and international community of partners, experts and stakeholders as well as highlight achievements and stories from our network.

Read more about QVLS’ strategy (in German) here.