LNQE NanoDay 2023

The nineteenth NanoDay of the LNQE in Hanover On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the annual NanoDay of the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering will take place in Hannover. In eight talks and one poster session, the latest research results from the interdisciplinary working groups in the field of nanotechnology were presented. Posters wanted Posters […]

Physics Teachers Day 2023

Die Arbeitsgruppe Didaktik der Physik veranstaltet zusammen mit der Regionalen Lehrerfortbildung der Landesschulbehörde mit Unterstützung des Kompetenzzentrums für Lehrerfortbildung den 16. „Physics Teachers Day“. Im Mittelpunkt der diesjährigen Fortbildung steht das Thema „Moderne fachliche Konzepte für den Physikunterricht der Sekundarstufen I und II“. Programm: 14.00 Uhr Beginn der Ausstellungen der Lehrmittelfirmen 15.00 Uhr Prof. Dr. […]

TerraQ Summer School

TerraQ invites up to 30 M.Sc. and PhD students, to attend the 1st TerraQ Summer School on Modern techniques for gravity field recovery hosted at Leibniz University Hannover. The lectures, delivered by experts in the fields of Gravity Field Recovery, Relativistic Geodesy Terrestrial Gravimetry and Applications and Future Missions, aim at preparing the next generation of young researchers […]

Quantum Effects

Exhibition and Conference for Quantum Technologies

EQTC 2023

Convention Center, Hannover

The conference to showcase Europes latest research in the field of Quantum technologies.

Public Talk – “Dark Matter”

Leibnizhaus Holzmarkt 4-6, Hannover, Germany

As early as the 1930s, the first indications of a component of the universe that still puzzles us today emerged: various astronomical observations could not be explained on the basis of visible matter alone. The idea of an invisible “dark matter” was born. In the following decades, further observations consolidated this picture: observations of the […]

Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft 2023

Womit beschäftigen sich Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an der Leibniz Universität Hannover? Was geschieht hinter den Türen von Forschungsbauten und Laboren? Alle zwei Jahre bieten Einrichtungen und Institute der Leibniz Universität bei der „Nacht, die Wissen schafft“ in Vorträgen, Führungen, Experimenten, Ausstellungen und Mitmachaktionen einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen.

Wirtschaftsempfang der Landeshauptstadt Hannover

Hannover Congress Centrum

QVLS will be attending the reception "Wirtschaftsempfang der Landeshauptstadt Hannover" to have an open exchange with the main entrepreneurs of Lower Saxony.


World’s Leading Trade Fair for Electronics Development and Production

Talk on Saturday morning: Nobel Prizes 2023 – cutting-edge research explained!

Hauptgebäude Leibniz Universität Welfengarten 1, Hannover, Germany

The next "Saturday Morning Talk" will take place on 9 December 2023 at 11 o'clock at Leibniz University Hannover. The two PhoenixD researchers, Jannika Lauth and Milutin Kovacev, will explain the new findings and achievements for which this year's Nobel Prize winners in physics and chemistry have been honoured. The lecture will take place in […]