Colloquium by Assistant Professor Julian Léonard, Atomic Institute, TU Wien, Austria
LUH, D326, Building 1101, Main Building, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
Introducing tools from microscopy recently brought the control of quantum gases to the single-particle level. It allowed experimenters to synthesize, manipulate, and probe few-body quantum states with high fidelity. I will present experimental studies of assembled quantum matter in optical lattices, ranging from entanglement dynamics in non-equilibrium systems to topologically ordered systems. I will conclude with an overview of our ongoing research on light-mediated interactions in an optical tweezer array, and its prospects for quantum simulation and information.
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This talk is part of the „Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries“ series and of the SFB DQ-mat colloquium series: