QVLS-iLabs Clustertreffen

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, Braunschweig, Germany

Der Fokus des Treffens liegt auf dem aktiven Sammeln und Austauschen von konkreten Ideen für die zweite Phase der QVLS iLabs

Levitating Solids to Test Fundamental Aspects of Physics (Part I)

Block lecture by Dr. Julen Simòn Pedernales, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ulm University, Germany Abstract: Quantum mechanics has been remarkably successful in describing the microscopic world, yet its applicability to […]

Colloquium: Magic-band Floquet-Bloch Atom Interferometry

For DQ-mat members and interested scientists: Colloquium by Prof. Dr. David Weld, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Abstract: "I will discuss a novel platform for compact, continuously-trapped atom interferometry […]