General Assembly der IUGG

QuantumFrontiers und TerraQ waren unter den Hauptsponsoren der General Assembly der International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023 in Berlin.

Maker Faire

Die 9. Maker Faire Hannover findet vom 19.-20. August 2023 im Hannover Congress Centrum (Niedersachsenhalle, Eilenriedehalle, Glashalle, Future Meeting Space) und angrenzendem Außenbereich auf rund 7.000 qm Ausstellungsfläche statt. Die niedersächsische Kultusministerin Julia Willi Hamburg besuchte […]

DQ-mat Summer School

DQ-Mat invites up to 30 M.Sc.-level students to attend the 1st DQ-mat Summer School on Quantum States of Matter: Fundamental Physics and Applications hosted at Leibniz University Hannover. The lectures, delivered […]

Workshop – MPI (AEI) und QF

Hannover Callinstraße 36, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany

This will be a workshop-like meeting to bring together researchers working on or are interested in vibration isolation and inertial platforms for their experiments. Environmental vibrations, e.g. due to ground […]