Talk: “Physics-informed deep neural networks for multimode fiber information transmission towards classical and quantum communication” by Prof. Juergen Czarske (TU Dresden)

You are kindly invited to the talk that will be given by Prof. Juergen Czarske (TU Dresden) on November 4, 2024 at 10 am in the seminar room 001 in LNQE building (Gebäude 3430), Schneiderberg 39, 30167 Hannover, Germany. See abstract and biography (PDF) on  

EQTC – European Quantum Technologies Conference 2024 (Lissabon, Portugal)

Do participate in EQTC to: Learn about the latest scientific results in Quantum Computation and Simulation, in Quantum Communication and Networks, in Quantum Sensing and Metrology, and in Basic Science and Future Directions for Quantum Technologies. Visit the exhibition showcasing the latest developments from European quantum startups, projects, and initiatives. Discuss the industrialization of Quantum […]

Levitating Solids to Test Fundamental Aspects of Physics (Part I)

Block lecture by Dr. Julen Simòn Pedernales, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ulm University, Germany Abstract: Quantum mechanics has been remarkably successful in describing the microscopic world, yet its applicability to larger scales, beyond a few thousand atoms, remains largely unexplored experimentally. Recent advancements in the quantum control of solids suspended in a vacuum, each containing […]

Levitating Solids to Test Fundamental Aspects of Physics (Part II)

Block lecture by Dr. Julen Simòn Pedernales, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ulm University, Germany Abstract: Quantum mechanics has been remarkably successful in describing the microscopic world, yet its applicability to larger scales, beyond a few thousand atoms, remains largely unexplored experimentally. Recent advancements in the quantum control of solids suspended in a vacuum, each containing […]

An Introduction to Causal Fermion Systems with a focus on information theoretic aspects

Dr. Claudio Paganini from the faculty of mathematics of the university of Regensburg: "I will give an introduction to Causal Fermion Systems (CFS), a leading candidate for a unified theory of physics. CFS provides a rigorous mathematical framework that merges the language of Quantum Theory and General Relativity in a novel way. This is achieved by encoding […]

Colloquium: Magic-band Floquet-Bloch Atom Interferometry

For DQ-mat members and interested scientists: Colloquium by Prof. Dr. David Weld, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Abstract: "I will discuss a novel platform for compact, continuously-trapped atom interferometry using lithium Bose condensates in the Floquet-Bloch bands of an amplitude-modulated optical lattice. In analogy to the magic wavelengths employed by optical lattice clocks, we […]

Enhancing the Performance of an Optical Lattice Clock with Multiple Atomic Ensembles

16:00-17:30 Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Shimon Kolkowitz, University of California, Berkeley, USA Location: PTB Braunschweig, Kohlrausch Building, Lecture Hall Abstract: The remarkable precision of optical atomic clocks enables new applications and offers sensitivity to novel and exotic physics. In this talk I will explain the motivation and operating principles of a multiplexed strontium optical lattice […]

QuantumFrontiers and TerraQ Lecture Week 3

QuantumFrontiers invites you to join the QuantumFrontiers and TerraQ Lecture Week 3, scheduled from February 10th to 14th, 2025, at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, located at Telegrafenberg, Potsdam. Please register by November 30, 2024 to ensure we can coordinate travel for the group. The Lecture Week is primarily aimed at early-career researchers […]