QuantumFrontiers Masterclasses @ Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium (Wolfsburg)

QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses are two- to four-hour workshops on current topics in quantum metrology for high school students (introductory and qualification phase). Based on the knowledge acquired in their physics and mathematics classes, the students are introduced to current research topics under the supervision of students from the TU Braunschweig. QuantumFrontiers is a cluster […]

QuantumFrontiers Masterclasses @ Lessing Gymnasium (Braunschweig)

QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses are two- to four-hour workshops on current topics in quantum metrology for high school students (introductory and qualification phase). Based on the knowledge acquired in their physics and mathematics classes, the students are introduced to current research topics under the supervision of students from the TU Braunschweig. QuantumFrontiers is a cluster […]

QuantumFrontiers Masterclasses @ Lessing Gymnasium (Braunschweig)

QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses are two- to four-hour workshops on current topics in quantum metrology for high school students (introductory and qualification phase). Based on the knowledge acquired in their physics and mathematics classes, the students are introduced to current research topics under the supervision of students from the TU Braunschweig. QuantumFrontiers is a cluster […]

QuantumFrontiers Days

Maritim Airport Hotel Hannover Maritimstraße 1, Langenhagen, Germany

Internal annual plenary meeting of the QuantumFrontiers Cluster of Excellence

QuantumFrontiers Masterclasses @ Kleineburg Gymnasium (Braunschweig)

QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses are two- to four-hour workshops on current topics in quantum metrology for high school students (introductory and qualification phase). Based on the knowledge acquired in their physics and mathematics classes, the students are introduced to current research topics under the supervision of students from the TU Braunschweig. QuantumFrontiers is a cluster […]

DQ-mat, Special Seminar by Christopher Ho

Hauptgebäude Leibniz Universität Welfengarten 1, Hannover, Germany

Title: “Homogeneous Bose gases driven far from thermal equilibrium” Abstract: Far-from-equilibrium systems are ubiquitous in nature, such as in glasses, active matter, and turbulence, but are still poorly understood when compared to the unifying description of thermodynamics for systems in thermal equilibrium. In this talk, I will present two different types of far-from-equilibrium phenomena realised […]

QuantumFrontiers Founders Class


The QuantumFrontiers FOUNDERS CLASS is a program to support transfer and spin-offs at science institutions and is carried out in collaboration with the HighTech Runway Research Group. The HTSB has many years of experience in supporting technological spin-offs from research as well as a broad spectrum of industry expertise. The goal is to sensitize scientists […]

foeXlab – Physikcafe

foeXlab-Physikcafé: Das Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Rosetta-Stein der Quantenphysik Das kommende foeXlab-Physikcafé beschäftigt sich mit Mach-Zehnder Interferometer als im Quantenphysikunterricht. Die Veranstaltung teilt sich auf in einen Vortrags- sowie einen Experimentierteil. Der Vortragsteil wird digital via Zoom übertragen. Vortrag von Michael Rode: Das Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Rosetta-Stein der Quantenphysik  Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer stellen eine besonders vielseitige Experimentieranordnung dar. Im Unterricht […]

IdeenExpo – Quantum Frontiers presents: Workshop on Quantum cryptography

HANNOVER MESSE Messegelände, Hannover, Germany

Quantenkryptographie – Abhörsicher durch Quantenphysik Lerne, wie du mithilfe von Quantenkryptographie Nachrichten abhörsicher machen, verschlüsseln und mögliche Abhörangriffe aufdecken kannst! Die Quantenkryptographie hat das Ziel, die Gesetzte der Physik so für sich zu nutzen, dass ein Spion immer aufliegt, wenn er verschlüsselte Nachrichten abhören will. Das bekannteste Verfahren in dieser neuen Kryptographie ist der Quantenschlüsselaustausch […]

Uni Bremen’s Drop Tower Seminar presents: Seminar by Prof. Ivette Fuentes

Ivette Fuentes - Exploring the unification of quantum theory and general relativity with a Bose-Einstein condensate The unification of quantum theory and general relativity remains one of the most important open issues in fundamental physics. A main problem is that we are missing experimental input at scales where quantum and relativistic effects coexist. Developing instruments […]