QF-Days 2023

On June 5 and 6, the QuantumFrontiers Days will take place at the Maritim Airport Hotel Hannover.

Innovercity Talk

altes Kaufhofgebäude Seilwinderstraße 1-7, Hannover, Germany

Die innovercity feiert drei Tage lang das Neue. Freut euch auf einen riesigen Experimentierraum voller Workshops, Ausstellungen, Keynote, Shows, Tanz, Musik, Aftershowpartys, Food, Drinks & Freundschaft. Content von kreHtiv, Cognizant Mobility, Heise Medien, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hochschule Hannover, Nexster, DJ Kidcut, Dj Loverance, Start2Dance, Lex&Julez uvm. Food & Drinks von TruStory, VAMBAM, Katermenu, Herrenhäuser, […]

MS Wissenschaft (Hannover)

Mittellandkanal, Hannover

Die MS Wissenschaft ist das Ausstellungsschiff des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung. 2023 legt es von Mai bis September mit einer Ausstellung zum Thema "Unser Universum" in rund 30 deutschen Städten an. Der Sonderforschungsbereich TerraQ ist mit an Bord und präsentiert ein Modell eines Satellitenpaares zur Vermessung des Schwerefelds der Erde, mit dem Rückschlüsse auf […]

General Assembly der IUGG

QuantumFrontiers und TerraQ waren unter den Hauptsponsoren der General Assembly der International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023 in Berlin.

Workshop – MPI (AEI) und QF

Hannover Callinstraße 36, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany

This will be a workshop-like meeting to bring together researchers working on or are interested in vibration isolation and inertial platforms for their experiments. Environmental vibrations, e.g. due to ground motion and seismic noise, limit the sensitivity of many of our experiments and it appears that many groups are interested in this topic and have […]

LNQE NanoDay 2023

The nineteenth NanoDay of the LNQE in Hanover On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the annual NanoDay of the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering will take place in Hannover. In eight talks and one poster session, the latest research results from the interdisciplinary working groups in the field of nanotechnology were presented. Posters wanted Posters […]

Quantum Effects

Exhibition and Conference for Quantum Technologies

EQTC 2023

Convention Center, Hannover

The conference to showcase Europes latest research in the field of Quantum technologies.

Public Talk – “Dark Matter”

Leibnizhaus Holzmarkt 4-6, Hannover, Germany

As early as the 1930s, the first indications of a component of the universe that still puzzles us today emerged: various astronomical observations could not be explained on the basis of visible matter alone. The idea of an invisible “dark matter” was born. In the following decades, further observations consolidated this picture: observations of the […]


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