Relativistic implications of entropy and purity
Relativistic implications of entropy and purity
Space Science @ Drop Tower Seminar by Martin Bojowald and Joseph Balsells (via Zoom)
Space Science @ Drop Tower Seminar by Martin Bojowald and Joseph Balsells (via Zoom)
Colloquium by Prof. Felipe Guzmán (University of Arizona) at Albert Einstein Institute Hannover and online
Colloquium by Assistant Professor Julian Léonard (Atomic Institute, TU Wien, Austria) at Uni Hannover
QuantumFrontiers invites you to join the QuantumFrontiers and TerraQ Lecture Week 3, scheduled from February 10th to 14th, 2025, at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, located at Telegrafenberg, Potsdam. Please register by November 30, 2024 to ensure we can coordinate travel for the group. The Lecture Week is primarily aimed at early-career researchers […]
The purpose of the workshop is to discuss recent advances in our understanding of quantum computation through algebraic methods.
QVLS is organizing a winter school for quantum information processing with trapped ions.