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Non-linear media in weakly curved spacetime (via Zoom)

9. Dezember 2024 @ 14:30 - 15:30 CET

Seminar by Dr. Alessio Belenchia from DLR (German Aerospace Center) Institute of Quantum Technologies, Ulm.

That light propagating in a gravitational field gets frequency-shifted is one of the basic consequences of any metric theory of gravity rooted in the equivalence principle. At the same time, also a time-dependent material’s refractive index can frequency-shift light propagating in it.

In this talk, we analyse light propagation in non-linear media in curved spacetime and the presence of a moving refractive index perturbation. We show that this can lead to a gravity-dependent blueshift. The predicted blueshift surpasses the gravitational redshift even if the medium is considered to be perfectly stiff. In realistic scenarios, strong frequency shifts arise due to the deformation of the dielectric medium and the corresponding photoelastic change of refractive index.

The talk will be streamed online via Zoom

ID: 465 198 1280

PW: gravi


9. Dezember 2024
14:30 - 15:30 CET