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„Frontiers of Quantum Mechanics” Physics Winter School

3. Februar 2024 - 8. Februar 2024

Throughout recent decades quantum physics has seen dramatic developments, driven by new theoretical ideas, advanced experiments and new applications. Today, quantum physics is the most basic and best theory of nature we have, and many ideas that have long been regarded as mere thought experiments beyond any hope of realization, nowadays have become procedures and observed phenomena in the lab.

The school on „Frontiers of quantum mechanics“ will highlight the foundations of quantum mechanics as well as applications as quantum sensing, imaging and metrology at the quantum limit. We will discuss the interface of quantum physics to concepts of space-time, to the macroscopic world, to quantum materials as well as modern chemistry with relevance in biology.

Review lectures will thus provide a broad overview over some highlights of recent science. Networking among the students will be fostered in poster sessions, scientific speed dating sessions and in an excursion.

Registration is required since the seating capacity is limited and we want to admit a fair mix of topics, countries, age-classes, gender etc.
The final selection of attendees will be communicated on the 4th of December 2023 to allow ample time for your travel plans.
We are pleased to announce an exciting educational and research program with enlightening speakers.

Winter School Lecturers: 

  1. Caslav Brukner, University of Vienna
  2. Yiwen Chu, ETH Zürich
  3. Markus Gräfe, Technical University Darmstadt
  4. Michèle Heurs, Leibniz University Hannover
  5. Peter Hore, University of Oxford
  6. Christian Lisdat, PTB Braunschweig
  7. Tilman Pfau, University of Stuttgart
  8. Hendrik Ulbricht, University of Southampton

The covered topics will include:

  • Foundations of QM
  • QM as resource for high precision
  • QM as resource for non-classicality
  • QM as a universal theory


3. Februar 2024
8. Februar 2024