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Enhancing the Performance of an Optical Lattice Clock with Multiple Atomic Ensembles

12. Dezember 2024 @ 16:00 - 17:30 CET

16:00-17:30 Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Shimon Kolkowitz, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Location: PTB Braunschweig, Kohlrausch Building, Lecture Hall

Abstract: The remarkable precision of optical atomic clocks enables new applications and offers sensitivity to novel and exotic physics. In this talk I will explain the motivation and operating principles of a multiplexed strontium optical lattice clock, which consists of two or more atomic ensembles of trapped, ultra-cold strontium in one vacuum chamber. This miniature clock network enables us to bypass the primary limitations to typical atomic clock comparisons and achieve new levels of precision.

„I will present recent experimental results in which we make use of multiple atomic ensembles to perform enhanced phase estimation and demonstrate a reduced absolute instability of an optical lattice clock. I will also briefly present the results of a blinded, laboratory-based precision test of the gravitational redshift at the millimeter to centimeter scale. And finally, I will discuss recent measurements of the radiative decay rate of the 3P0 – 1S0 optical clock transition in strontium-87, and prospects for leveraging the level structure of strontium to convert depolarization errors into erasure errors and thereby enhance the performance of differential clock comparisons.“

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This talk is part of the „Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries“ series and of the SFB DQ-mat colloquium series:


12. Dezember 2024
16:00 - 17:30 CET