Legal Information

Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS) e. V.
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Tel. +49 511 762 – 17994
Fax  +49 511 762 – 2211

represented by: 

Managing Director:

Nazanin Pourmalek

Other representatives:

Prof. Dr. Piet Schmidt, Speaker Board

Prof. Dr. Andreas Waag, Speaker Board

Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus, Speaker Board

Holger Blume (LUH), Executive Board

Peter Hecker (TUBS), Executive Board

Association register # VR 203421 @ Amtsgericht Hannover

Sales tax identification number in accordance with § 27a Sales Tax Law:

The names of those responsible for the content in accordance with § 5 TMG can be found in the footnotes at the bottom of the respective page. The Web Editor ist responsible for all the rest of the content.